
Travis Marina Calendar

Workday & Dinner

Normally every second Saturday of the month, Club members volunteer together to work on Club and Marina maintenance. Because of the unique location of the Marina, and the historic nature of the buildings, there is always something that needs a helping hand. Club members who volunteer receive a discount on food and drink at the Travis Marina Bar.

Following the workday, Club members sit down to enjoy the monthly dinner served in the banquet hall. Some dinners are catered by local restaurants, while others are cooked and served by members themselves. More often than not, diners end up moving upstairs to the Travis Marina Bar for live music and further entertainment. Check the calendar for up to date information.

Cruise Outs

Cruise outs are opportunities for PYC members to sail or motor to bay area destinations for fun and relaxation. However, you don't have to get there by boat to join in the fun. Contact the Vice Commodore for more information on upcoming cruise outs.

Visit the calendar to see our schedule!

Visit us

We're located in Horseshoe Cove, Fort Baker, Sausalito, on the second floor of the Travis Sailing Center. Look for the wooden stairs on the far side of the building. Guest docks are available.